Samaze Art is a Sydney-based business with Australian corporate registration.  The primary motivation for creating this company was to provide peace of mind through calligraphy paintings that could be used to embellish homes and hearts while also establishing a connection between individuals and ALLAH swt. 

Samaze Art offers this sort of mental therapy in the shape of well executed, top-notch paintings. Calligraphy is an Islamic art style in which Arabic texts are written in a variety of ornamental patterns to make them aesthetically beautiful.

All of our paintings are handmade and we also provide the option of ordering a painting specifically for you, in which case you can specify the background, size, and Ayah or Surah, and we will turn your vision into a reality. Additionally, we give our clients access to digital sample imagery.

Samaze Art provides versatile and unique style with every painting having different shades and modern techniques. Every painting is an original idea of the artist.